The Journey So Far
For more than a century 80 Mutu St has been a gathering space and focal point in the social, spiritual, cultural and geographic landscape of the Waipā District community. Many of us have connections with the previous church, or the current facilities which continue to host over 850 people every month and where thousands of dancers have learned their steps in the old hall.
For the fourth time in its history, St Andrews is bringing a new building to town, for the benefit of the community and of all the people of Te Awamutu and the Greater Waipā District.
More than a church and far more than the iconic buildings which have featured in the Te Awamutu landscape for the past 125 years, the new complex will provide long term benefits to the people of Waipā.
Incorporating an auditorium, large entry/foyer space, commercial kitchen, flexible function and seminar rooms, counselling spaces, play area and offices, the new spaces will be available for use and hire by the community seven days a week. Church services will be held in the auditorium along with weddings and funerals which have had to be turned away since the demolition of the beautiful old building in 2015.
The development utilises existing freehold land on an arterial route into town, with the benefit of ease of reach for pedestrians, cyclists and scooter users. Set between the bustling retail area and expanding ‘hub precinct’ the complex is designed with the growth and needs of the whole community in mind.
How Can You Help
We invite your donation in the spirit and tradition of the hands-on volunteers and contributors who worked together to build the previous buildings as a community. Your support is vital and very much appreciated and through this letter we invite you to give any amount you feel comfortable with, towards a wonderful community asset for future generations.
Donations may be made direct to the Te Awamutu Presbyterian Church building bank account
BNZ Te Awamutu: 02-0440 -0033877-01. Please provide your surname as a reference for receipt purposes and send an email with your name and address details to
Enquiries please contact Ray Miller on 027 2910607 or the church office on 07 871 6609.